.. _junior_conceiving_literature: Wrangling academic literature ============================= .. warning:: This page is still being built! .. admonition:: TODO Problem: literature search/reading/notetaking/creating bibliographies. Principles: discovery, searchability/recall, organization, persistence, consistency. As always, leave syntactic formatting to a computer. Software Solution(s): Google Scholar (and to a lesser extent, ResearchGate, arXiv, etc.) + Zotero (possibly with bibliographic help from DBLP, Google Scholar, and publisher sites) + BibTeX. This step in writing/research ensures a few things: - You'll have an easier time writing related work. - You establish credibility and connection to relevant fields. - You don't replicate what's already been done (a good way to get rejected is to have a weak novelty claim) or position yourself to get scooped. - You'll get inspired by interesting methods/data visualizations/etc. as well as get turned off by bad/annoying ways of presenting information.