.. _junior_conceiving_need: Formulating a need ================== .. warning:: This page is still being built! .. admonition:: TODO Clean up the following: At this point, you've (a) had an idea and (b) read, taken notes on, and organized related literature. Now identify purpose (see Jean-luc, Effective written documents > Planning the document); specifically, we can write the foreword ("the before") for the eventual paper: - (optional) Context: why the need is pressing/important - Need: why something needs to be done at all - Task: what was undertaken to address the need - Object: what the present document does/covers These can and should be informed by what you read in the literature. There needs to be a real "gap" between what exists (the literature) and what we hope for. We will return to the summary ("the after") once we've performed our research. It may at this point be useful to clarify the types of publications (research article, brief announcement, review/survey, perspective, etc.?)