Improved Leader Election for Self-Organizing Programmable Matter


We consider programmable matter that consists of computationally limited devices (called particles) that are able to self-organize in order to achieve some collective goal without the need for central control or external intervention. We use the geometric amoebot model to describe such self-organizing particle systems, which defines how particles can actively move and communicate with one another. In this paper, we present an efficient local-control algorithm which solves the leader election problem in ${\cal O}(n)$ asynchronous rounds with high probability, where $n$ is the number of particles in the system. Our algorithm relies only on local information — particles do not have unique identifiers, any knowledge of $n$, or any sort of global coordinate system — and requires only constant memory per particle.

Algorithms for Sensor Systems
Joshua J. Daymude
Joshua J. Daymude
Assistant Professor, SCAI & CBSS

I am a Christian and assistant professor in computer science studying collective emergent behavior and programmable matter through the lens of distributed computing, stochastic processes, and bio-inspired algorithms. I also love gaming and playing music.

Robert Gmyr
Robert Gmyr
Research Software Development Engineer
Andréa W. Richa
Andréa W. Richa
Professor of Computer Science
Christian Scheideler
Christian Scheideler
Professor of Computer Science
Thim Strothmann
Thim Strothmann
Senior Researcher and Project Manager
