A Distributed, Stochastic Framework for Active Matter

We develop a theoretical framework for task-oriented active matter that combines distributed computing, stochastic processes, statistical physics, active matter physics, and robophysics. By harnessing phase changes from statistical physics in our formal modeling and algorithm design, we obtain robust and provable self-organizing behaviors. We then incorporate this theory into swarm robotics platforms, establishing tight analogies between (but not necessarily strict implementations of) the algorithms' rules and our robots' designs. This allows us to critically examine our theoretical algorithms' robustness to the errors and uncertainties of physical environments. Further, we can treat robot swarms as macro-scale active matter systems, studying the inter-robot dynamics as an analogy to particle interactions.

Joshua J. Daymude
Assistant Professor, SCAI & CBSS
I am a Christian and assistant professor in computer science studying collective emergent behavior and programmable matter through the lens of distributed computing, stochastic processes, and bio-inspired algorithms. I also love gaming and playing music.
- Algorithmic Foundations of Emergent Behavior in Analog Collectives
- Collaborating in Motion: Distributed and Stochastic Algorithms for Emergent Behavior in Programmable Matter
- Collaborating in Motion: Distributed and Stochastic Algorithms for Emergent Behavior in Programmable Matter
- Self-Organizing Particle Systems: an Algorithmic Approach to Programmable Matter
- Programming Active Cohesive Granular Matter with Mechanically Induced Phase Changes